Here’s a test post to get the ball rolling. Current status: between bands. House extensions have begun and we hope to have a comfortable space for all by the middle of the year. My physical form is causing problems, we are in a diagnostic phase. It has been five months since the last convention and will be another seven before we have another. If you want to read more about the lattermost subject, please visit
One of the other reasons for cobbling another blog together (besides Google Plus being doomed) is that since National Game Design Month (NaGaDeMon) 2018, I have typed about 10,000 words across more than half a dozen tabletop game projects, without bothering to share them with the world. If I do share them, it might be here, in a mixture of design notes, drafts and layout ideas, or possibly released as fundraising/freebie products over on
PS: I’m living in a near-constant flux between terror and exhaustion, but we only have ourselves to blame, in the end. I’d like to apologise to the Earth on behalf of my ancestors, and to our children on behalf of everyone.